
Soil Health in Every Granule™

Darin Stolte Testimonial

“What I really like about TerraNu Technology is that it increases the soil biological activity. I used it on one of our marginal farms last year and I saw a really nice yield response from it. We saw as much as a 25 – 30 bushel advantage over what we have ever seen from that given farm.” – Darin Stolte, Olin, IA

$18 Average ROI per Acre

  • MicroPack on-farm corn trials showed a $18 average return on investment/acre*
  • 12 bu./acre average yield increase
  • 70% showed improved nutrient use efficiency (N, P, K and micronutrients)

Nutrient Uptake Advantage Over the Grower’s Standard Blend in Tissue Testing

Learn how TerraNu can improve your bottom line.

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90% Positive Yield Response

  • TerraNu MicroPack third party corn research trials showed up to a $12 return on investment/acre**
  • 90% had a positive yield response; with the average yield being 5.2 bu./acre
  • 8% more nitrogen uptake at V4 when compared to control

TerraNu MicroPack Guaranteed Analysis

Nitrogen (N)……………………………….3.0%
Phosphorus (P)……………………………3.0%
Potassium (K)……………………………3.0%
Sulfur (S)……………………………………….7.0%
Magnesium (Mg)…………………………1.7%
Calcium (Ca)………………………………2.0%
Boron (B)……………………………………….1.5%
Copper (Cu)…………………………………1.0%
Iron (Fe)…………………………………………1.0%
Manganese (Mn)…………………………1.5%
Zinc (Zn)……………………………………..2.0%

Features & Benefits

  • Proven Crop Performance. TerraNu Technology has been applied on over 244,000 acres, and provided corn farmers with a 12 bushel/acre advantage over their standard blend.
  • Improved Nutrient Uptake. TerraNu Technology's combination of carbon matrix, high water solubility and sulfur-based ingredients keeps nutrients both available and highly digestible for plant uptake.
  • Uniform Distribution. TerraNu Technology's homogenized carbon matrix technology ensures that each granule has the same nutrient analysis.
  • Enhanced Soil Health. TerraNu Technology stimulates soil biology by delivering carbon and essential nutrients to the crop, leading to increased nutrient uptake.

Want to Learn More About TerraNu Fertilizers?

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*Calculation is based on an average application rate of 37 lbs./acre and a $3.40/bu corn price (2018 average); ** Calculation is based on an application rate of 35 lbs./acre of TerraNu MicroPack vs. a grower standard blend. (Corn Price: $3.40); Third Party Researchers Included: Agri-Tech Consulting (WI)AgTech (MO)Continuum Ag (IA)SGS (SD)SynTech Research (IA)