Biological farming works hand-in-hand with nature. It balances your soil to produce healthy, pest- and disease-resistant crops while reducing the use of chemicals. When fed to livestock, these crops lead to healthy and productive animals.
Think of it as a system, not a product. And it’s a system that’s practical, sustainable and profitable.
The six principles of biological farming:
Our founder, Gary Zimmer, wrote the first book on biological farming. He and Leilani Zimmer-Durand published an expanded version, Advancing Biological Farming, in 2011. They revised and expanded Gary’s first book, The Biological Farmer, in late 2016.
Advancing Biological Farming and The Biological Farmer (2nd edition) are available for purchase by calling 800.327.6012.
The Biological Farmer, by Gary Zimmer, 2000
This title in no longer available for purchase. Biological farmers work with nature, feeding soil life, balancing soil minerals and tilling soils with a purpose. The methods they apply involve a unique system of beliefs, observations and guidelines that result in increased production and profit. This practical how-to guide elucidates their methods and will help you make farming fun and profitable. Softcover, 365 pages.
Advancing Biological Farming, by Gary Zimmer and Leilani Zimmer-Durand, 2011
This book offers invaluable scientific support for committed organic farmers as well as conventional farmers who would like to reduce chemical inputs and use natural processes to their advantage. Advancing Biological Farming updates and expands upon Gary Zimmer’s classic, The Biological Farmer. Softcover, 236 pages.
The Biological Farmer, by Gary Zimmer and Leilani Zimmer-Durand, 2016
The Biological Farmer (2nd edition) is a fully revised and expanded version of Gary Zimmer’s first work, The Biological Farmer. This book is your complete guide to the sustainable and profitable biological system of farming. Softcover, 518 pages.
The book is recognized by the National Association of Conservation Districts and included in an exclusive educational collection of books that will be promoted across the country to advance soil health, eco-agriculture, and the advancement of the agriculture industry.