Our berry fertility program takes a systems approach to balancing fruit yield, fruit quality, and plant growth. Following our program can enhance the biological, physical, and chemical properties of the soil and help you reach your yield and fruit quality goals.
Overuse of nitrogen can lead to soft fruit and excessive growth. Our organic liquid and dry fertilizers provide a balance of soluble and slow release nitrogen to ensure adequate growth without sacrificing fruit quality.
For best results, apply 15 to 30 lbs/ac of phosphorus per year.
Apply rates equal to or greater than N to enhance fruit quality and winter hardiness. Potassium sulfate and K-Mag® are good sources of potassium; sulfur with K-Mag® doubles as a soluble magnesium supply. Apply the bulk of the recommended amount in early spring and spread the remainder throughout the season.
Contact your Midwestern BioAg Sales Consultant to develop a customized plan that meets your soil, plant, and economic requirements.