Dry Fertilizer

At Midwestern BioAg, we select the highest-quality, most plant-available ingredients for all our fertilizer blends. Our proprietary products go beyond NPK by supplying plants and soil life with calcium, sulfur, trace minerals and carbon. From homogenized and pelletized trace mineral packs to NPK products with season-long availability, our organic fertilizer ingredients will help you maximize nutrient efficiency all season. Every ingredient we carry promotes soil health, is gentle on roots and soil microbes, and optimizes plant growth, resiliency and quality.

Nature Safe 7-7-7

Dry flowable fertilizer for organic application. 

Protassium+ Brand Potassium Sulfate

Protassium+® Potassium Sulfate, also known as 0-0-50 or sulfate of potash (SOP), is a dual-nutrient...


Homogenized Humates, Secondary Nutrients & Micronutrients MicroHume® is a granular micronutrient organic fertilizer blend that...

Nature Safe® Feather Meal

Nature Safe® feather meal (13-0-0) is derived from poultry processing.  It is a pelletized, semi-slow...

SuperCal SO4®

SuperCal SO4 pelletized gypsum (0-0-0-21Ca-17S) provides soluble calcium and sulfate sulfur. It improves soil structure,...

Intrepid Trio®

Intrepid Trio®, or sulfate of potash magnesia, is a low-chloride, OMRI-listed potassium organic fertilizer. A...

Healthy Grow® Pro 2-4-3

Healthy Grow® Pro 2-4-3 is a premium organic manure fertilizer made from aerobically composted chicken...

Pelletized Rock Phosphate

Pelletized rock phosphate has an analysis of 1 to 3 percent water-soluble phosphate and 18...

Transitioning to Organic in Michigan’s UP

Nick Theuerkauf is the fifth generation to farm the 2,000 acres that is Elmbrook Farms. Originally a dairy, the farm shifted gears eight years ago to produce beef, feed and...

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