Thorvin Kelp

Thorvin Kelp is certified-organic, Icelandic kelp with high levels of naturally chelated, bioavailable nutrients. Thorvin provides a range of stress-relieving benefits. Thorvin acts by filling in micronutrient deficiencies and bolstering optimal health. Benefits vary by species and nutritional needs.

This organic livestock feed product is safe to feed to the following species:

  • Dairy
  • Beef
  • Equine
  • Swine
  • Sheep
  • Goat
  • Poultry

Product Characteristics

Contains a broad array of bioavailable minerals, amino acids, and vitamins for superior metabolic health – as needed, by species.

Promotes breed back (selenium and zinc) and weight gain.

Contains nutrients critical for minimizing foot rot (zinc and Iodine) and pinkeye (copper and selenium).

Only takes small amounts to help fill micronutrient deficiencies – for just pennies a day.

Delivers more iodine and lower moisture per pound.

Mix in feed 2% of dry ration, or feed free choice – alone or with salt.