Bio-Sense™ Home Lawn is a complete turf fertilizer designed to help grow thicker, healthier lawns. Blended by Midwestern BioAg, Bio-Sense is formulated using years of agricultural expertise to bring large-scale production benefits to homeowners. Apply Bio-Sense Lawn to your yard for season-long growth and performance.
A Complete Nutrient Package: Bio-Sense Lawn contains nitrogen and potassium, plus other important nutrients like calcium, sulfur and trace minerals to help keep your lawn green and soft.
Gentle on Plants and Soil Life: Bio-Sense Lawn fertilizer contains materials that stimulate and support both soil microbes and grass roots. This can help improve overall soil structure and lawn resilience. Healthier lawns hold water better, helping grass stay green longer during droughts.
Season-Long Availability: Our home lawn fertilizer is blended with Environmentally Smart Nitrogen, or ESN®. ESN is a polymer-coated nitrogen source that helps prevent nutrient runoff. This helps keep nutrients in your lawn and out of waterways.
Greener Lawns: Bio-Sense Lawn fertilizer supports a longer stay-green period with fewer applications. Fewer applications means more time spent with your family and less time spent on your lawn.