Nutrient deficiencies and acidic soils are serious yield-limiting factors. It takes more than NPK to unlock your crop’s full genetic potential – plants need a wider range of nutrients to maximize growth. Calcium, sulfur, and trace minerals such as zinc and manganese are just a few of the nutrients needed to support crop production. Missing out on any of these can be significant – yields can be held back by a single nutrient deficiency. With our line of organic soil amendments, producers can correct nutrient deficiencies and improve pH levels to optimize plant growth on their farms.
Highly Soluble Calcium for Improved Plant Performance OrganiCal™, an exclusive Midwestern BioAg fertilizer product, is...
SuperCal SO4 pelletized gypsum (0-0-0-21Ca-17S) provides soluble calcium and sulfate sulfur. It improves soil structure,...
SuperCal 98G organic pelletized lime (0-0-0-36Ca) provides quicker, more consistent results than traditional agricultural lime....
Sulfur Plus is an organic soil acidifier that can help lower pH without over applying...
Healthy Grow® Pro 2-4-3 is a premium organic manure fertilizer made from aerobically composted chicken...
Tennessee Brown Rock (TBR) is one of the cleanest slow-release phosphorus sources available. It also...